24 December 2013

We Wish You a Merry Christmas!

The Oxford Dogs Wish You a Merry Christmas!

A letter to Santa, from River-dog
Dear Santa,
Belle and I have been very good this year!  We have been very busy!   In July, we helped at the guy's wedding, by being the flower girls, and sitting so nicely in the canoe for pictures!  We both came to the wedding party, and while Belle lay on the stag with the band, I got to dance with Kev.  It was a pretty special moment, I have been teaching him some moves! 
I kept the guys safe on their travels to Alaska, and warned them when any bears were near.   It was fun to run on the trails the big dogs use, and it was even more fun not to have any problems with moose!  I was a good girl, and stayed in the tent, most of the time.   Zippers are only for humans to use! 
When we came back to Canada, Belle got to finish her Dig Dog Champion Title!   She is very proud of herself!  I got to wear tie-dye and dance around to Cher.  I guess she won that round.
But mostly, I have been very busy teaching Burger how to pull, and be a good dog!  It's a lot of work, so for Christmas, please bring me a cat! 
Just kidding.
Love River-dog
P.S. Two cats?
 Here is a video of heading out with friends for our Christmas Day run!

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